Monday, October 8, 2007

R.I.P. Beer Hunter

I should have put this post up back in August when it happened, but I feel it is always better late than never to show tribute to a great man. The man is Michael Jackson. The "Beer Hunter." As someone who enjoys writing and reading the written words of others, he has certainly been an inspiration.

Michael Jackson has written some brilliant books and articles on beer and it's origins even before I knew what beer was. He was one of the individuals responsible for sparking interest in beautfully crafted beers from around the world, and without a doubt is at least partly responsible for the rise in craft breweries, and the love for craft beer here in the US. The fact that this man had a passion for great beer and turned that passion into a career is absolutely fascinating. His eloquent prose on the subject is second to none, and you know if Michael Jackson writes well of a certain brew, you had better give it a try.

To see the way he interacted with the young craft brewers of the US and did his best to promote them is a testament to the man's passion and belief in those who are trying to keep the history of good beer alive and well in the 21st Century.

If you haven't yet, pick up one of his books or at least read more about him online. He will be missed. Thank you Beer Hunter.


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